The first picture is all of my pairs of glasses I could find. They represent my past by having my previous pairs up until now. The second is the keyboard, to represent all the schoolwork and typing I've done this year. The third is pencils to represent how I want to do something like drawing or writing of some kind when I'm older. The fourth is quite possibly my favorite one; it's a sign of the squirrels in my backyard prepping for winter and the death of their usual sources of food. I especially like how it naturally looks like one of those monochrome/color contrast photos. The fifth is my second favorite, I'm a sucker for little candle holders like this, the shadows look so cool and even better, it's space themed. Hexanext, I have the reflection off the salt creek. I spent a lot of time there over the summer reading, drawing, having the same deer family pass me by each day, the usual. It was fun. Seventh, is another chair swing we've had in the backyard for about 10 years. We put a covering on it so we could sit on it comfortably but apparently the raccoons really like the stuffing inside it. Last but octobviously not least, is this giant willow tree. It's been here for yeeeeee eeeeeaaaaaaaars and I'm always told to stay away from it since it's constantly in danger of falling over. It's big enough to crush me and it sways like grass in the wind when a gust blows by. Thats why I used it for the movement picture. Everything I took a picture of makes me feel nostalgic in one way or another. I don't really like taking pictures unless they can mean something to me. Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope these pictures can mean something to you like they do to me.